Any effort made by the teacher with regard to the student’s training can be fruitful, only if the parent co-operates. Hence parents should ensure that the rules are followed strictly.
- Children should attend School in the prescribed uniform and with required books.
- Children should get enough time to learn lessons and do assignments. Parents should insist their children on devoting enough time in studying lessons before coming to school.
- Parents should keep in touch with teachers and Principal through correspondence or occasional visit and co-operate in the overall progress of the ward in studies and behaviour.
- Fees should be paid on scheduled dates.
- Parents are requested to examine this diary every evening and see that it is brought to school every day. It is an excellent channel of communication between parents and teachers.
- Parents are requested not to criticise the school or the teachers in the presence of the students. Those who wish to seek any clarification, information or to make any suggestions, do it through proper channel.
- The Principal can be met during school hours on all Saturdays in the office.
- Parents should encourage their children to take part actively in co-curricular activities of the school and national and cultural celebrations.
- Answer papers will be sent to the parents after every assessment. Parents are requested to contact the Principal/class teacher if the answer papers are not given to them.
- Parents are requested not to permit pupils to wear gold ornaments in the school. The school will not be responsible for the loss of personal belongings.
- The co-operation of the parents is sought in enforcing discipline and punctuality in the school.
- Pupil should be polite in their behaviour and parents should help them to be punctual in school.
- In case of infectious diseases in the family, the matter should be immediately reported to the Principal and students should not be sent to school during such periods. Medical certificate shall be produced along with the leave application.
- Specimen signature of the parent should be entered in the first page of the school diary.
- The school expects your whole hearted co-operation and requests to read the rules carefully and see that they are followed.
- Parents are not allowed to enter the class room during school hours. They can meet the teachers only after getting permission of the Principal.