Senior Secondary (Affiliated to CBSE No. 930748)

The Perfect English School started functioning in June 1999. It was felt that in this rural area, lying between Kannur and Tellicherry, an English Medium School was a need of the day. The aim of the school was primarily to give the backward children a sound education, catering to the mental and moral welfare of the students. Accordingly due importance was given to religious studies and Arabic language. It started not as a business venture, but as a philanthropic gesture.

Initially the school started with LKG, UKG up to the IInd standard. Today the school stands in a spacious area of 2.10 acre with a panoramic view with a natural ambience. From an acorn grows the mighty oak. From a small beginning, the school has become a fully fledged campus, affiliated to CBSE (Affiliation No: 930748).

The management is committed to uphold the intrinsic value of a good education. As a sapling is nurtured, so the tree grow and the management believes in a NO HOLDS BARRED APPROACH, to see that each and every student who enter the school, is given a better deal, a better start, and a better life ahead. For we believe that a good sound education, is the alpha and omega of a worthwhile existence. We also believe that not all the education culled from books can make a man truly educated, until he has the good qualities of mind and heart.