Senior Secondary (Affiliated to CBSE No. 930748)

  1. Pupils should attend their classes regularly with their lessons well prepared. Home assignments should be done regularly and carefully and submitted at the right time. They should come to school in neat and tidy uniform
  2. Irregular attendance, habitual neglect, disobedience, using vulgar language, disrespect towards teachers and members of the staff may entail suspension or dismissal from the school.
  3. When leave for a long period becomes necessary due to unavoidable reasons, permission from the Principal has to be sought and obtained in advance. Medical certificate will have to be produced to cover any absence necessitated by illness for a period exceeding 3 consecutive days.
  4. Pupil should behave with dignity and discipline. Greet teachers and others in the campus and class room.
  5. At the stroke of the first bell, students must proceed to the classroom. After the school bell, absolute silence should be maintained in preparation for the prayer in the morning, in the noon before the commencement of the session and before the National Anthem.
  6. Pupil of one class will not be allowed to enter into the other class rooms without permission .
  7. Playing in class rooms and in corridors is strictly prohibited.
  8. Students must attend the assembly regularly. No student can remain in the class room during assembly and physical education classes without the permission of the concerned teacher.
  9. Students moving from one class to another will do so in an orderly manner and in strict silence. There should be no whistling or shouting in and around the school campus.
  10. Students should reach the school before 09:15am.Late comers will be permitted only with the permission of the Principal.
  11. Students suffering from contagious or infectious diseases should not attend the school.
  12. Class room should be neatly kept. School property should not be destroyed or damaged. Students are forbidden to scribble on the wall/furniture. If noticed, strict action will be taken.
  13. Students should not bring mobile phone, iPod, ATM card, other periodicals, pocket money or any other valuables to the school.
  14. Students should not wear gold ornaments in the school campus and should take care of their belongings. The school will not be responsible for any loss.
  15. If the ward is on leave on working days should produce leave application to the class teacher.
  16. Students should not be seen loitering on the roads, town and local shops during or after school hours.
  17. Chewing gum should not be chewed in the campus.
  18. Students should try to read good English books, English News papers and listen to English news to develop proficiency in language and improve general awareness.
  19. Students should read the rules of the school and follow them strictly. This diary should be brought to the class daily.
  20. Boys of I to XII should wear the pants at the waist and not below the waist. Tight fitting pants should not be stitched. Boys with long hair and fanciful hair style are not allowed to enter the class. Senior boys should be clean shaven.
  21. Girls should plait their hair on two sides and should wear mufta.